Friday, October 10, 2014

Short Stories Coming Soon!

I have a lot of ideas and a lot of stories I would like to tell. Some of them make sense, some of them are silly, some for children, some for grown up children and some for none, but I've made the decision to start posting them here and on my other various whereabouts around the internet. I haven't written a single one yet, so you may have to wait a week, or a month, or gosh maybe a weekend, but I will post them here chapter by chapter for free and eventually make an anthology out of them. I imagine most of these stories will be fairly derivative and live within my Universe of Chaos. If any of you are confused by my reference to the Universe of Chaos, I recommend reading The Writers of the Universe. It sets the possibility for endless stories. These short stories won't necessarily have anything to do with other stories but there will more likely than not be some cross-connect that will enrich the world and strengthen the legend.

I hope you stick around and read them. Enjoy.

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